It is critical that all Rensselaer community members are able to live, learn, explore, and grow in a developmentally supportive environment and welcoming community. Our commitment to that position guides us in establishing, promoting, and maintaining a robust reporting and response mechanism, allowing us to understand, intervene in, and better prevent unacceptable behaviors such as bias, sexual misconduct, substance abuse, and hazing. It also provides members of our community a convenient portal to share concerns they may have for themselves or others who may be in need of intervention and/or support, personal or otherwise.
Report an Incident
Please note that these incident reports are periodically monitored during normal business hours. If this is an emergency or you are concerned for your own or someone else's immediate safety, STOP AND CALL PUBLIC SAFETY at (518) 276-6611 or CALL 911.
Report a general concern, policy violation, substance abuse concern, or hazing concern
Report a bias-related incident you have experienced or observed
Includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence (i.e., domestic violence, dating violence, relationship violence), and stalking
Reporting Procedures
Our reporting forms allow these concerns to be reported in an efficient manner. Rensselaer designates the Dean of Students or their designee as being responsible for receiving and responding to these concerns. No retaliation of any kind shall be taken against an individual who submits a report.
These procedures apply to all Rensselaer community members regardless of school, status, classification, type, or location.
Incidents not addressed through this process include:
- Incidents related to alleged violations of Rensselaer’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. Incidents include Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence (i.e., domestic violence, dating violence, relationship violence) and Stalking. Click here to report a violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
- Substantive complaints regarding the quality of the institution or its academic programs which should be directed to the Institute’s Accrediting Body: Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Reports of Student Rights or Responsibilities Violations:
Submitted reports will be reviewed in accordance with Rensselaer’s Judicial Process. Refer to Article VII of the Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights & Responsibilities.
- To inquire about submitted reports contact the Director of Student Rights, Responsibilities, & Conduct at 518-276-6266.
Bias Related Incidents & General Student Grievances
Submitted reports will be reviewed by the Dean of Students (or their designee) in the following manner:
- Within five (5) business days of the receipt of the report, the Dean of Students (or their designee) will acknowledge receipt of the report and begin review of the report in consultation with the appropriate campus authority(s) to determine the best course of action.
- Within fifteen (15) business days of the receipt of the report, the Dean of Students (or their designee) and/or appropriate campus authority(s) will commence taking action on the concern.
- Where possible, within thirty (30) business days of the receipt of the concern the reporter will be contacted by the Dean of Students (or their designee) and/or appropriate campus authority(s) regarding actions taken to address the concern. Disclosure of actions taken will be shared with the reporter within the limitations of Institute policy, FERPA, and applicable law.
- Should the reporter believe the actions taken do not appropriately address the concern, the reporter may submit a written appeal to the Dean of Students (or their designee). An appeal will follow the course as established in the applicable policy.
To inquire about submitted reports contact the Dean of Students Office at 518-276-6266.
A complete record of reported concerns and outcomes will be kept in the Dean of Students Office. At the end of each academic year the Dean of Students will conduct a review of all concerns received that year and send a report of this review to the Vice President for Student Life. The report will not contain any identifiable information, but rather will outline any patterns of complaints discerned from the review and advance related recommendations to address any systemic issues identified.
Student Experience: Support Resources
Please visit the Student Experience website to view campus resources.