October 25, 2018
Suspicious Packages
The U.S. Postal Service Inspection Service is working closely with law enforcement partners on the recent suspicious packages investigation. As of now, the FBI is the lead agency, so any specific questions about the investigation are directed to the FBI and if you have any tips, please go to https://tips.fbi.gov/.
The Postal Service also continues to remind our employees and customers to be safe, watchful, and observant regarding the proper identification and disposition of suspicious packages.
There are long-standing established safety and security protocols for identifying and handling suspicious mail and packages, and we are currently reminding employees of those protocols and providing them with other resources that are available to them.
As consumers, please keep in mind that suspicious mail and packages can bear any of these characteristics:
- Are sent unexpectedly or from someone unfamiliar to you
- Are addressed to former employees or use improper job titles
- Have no return address or cannot be verified as legitimate
- Have unusual weight given the size, or are lopsided or leaking an unknown substance
- Are marked with restrictive endorsements, such as “Personal” or “Confidential”
- Have a city or state postmark that does not match the return address
Any reports of suspicious mailings are taken very seriously. We strive to provide a safe and secure mail system, preserve the integrity of the mail, and, most importantly, ensure a safe environment for postal employees, customers, and the American public.
We encourage our customers to be safe and mindful of the guidelines above. And remember…if you see something……say something.