
The Rensselaer Plan 2024 states that, "Diversity and Inclusion are essential to academic excellence and innovation." In order to create, nurture, and sustain a multiculturally sophisticated living and learning environment, the Bias Assessment and Response Team (BART) has been created to ensure that all individuals and groups feel welcomed and supported at Rensselaer. BART advocates for students and student groups isolated and marginalized by acts of bias. BART provides education, in alignment with our community standards, to underscore the ideals of compassion and respect for each other and forges a restorative path for the student community we are actively building. BART strives to create dialogue on important cultural, social, gender, and geopolitical issues and provide our students with an inclusive environment where they are supported in their personal growth and success. We owe it to Rensselaer to take any incident of bias seriously as it has the capacity to cause a disruption to our entire campus community.