Course Materials Value Pack

The Course Materials Value Pack (CMVP) was piloted with four courses in Spring 2024 and with the support of the Provost and Student Senate, continues to grow each semester. The program is designed to simplify access to required digital course materials for students and to provide the best value possible for students.

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What is the CMVP?

The CMVP program is an affordability initiative that provides students with access to their required materials for the lowest price available. Our campus has an opt-out model and includes the required digital materials for participating courses. Faculty can choose to enroll all, some, or none of their courses in the CMVP each term to provide their students with convenient, affordable access. Simply put, students in courses that are participating in the CMVP can stay in this program and have all their required materials prepared for them. This program is optional, allowing students who are not interested in the program to opt out each term. 

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How does the CMVP work?

Follett works on behalf of the campus to negotiate required material prices with publishers down to the lowest possible price. Follett then works with the campus store to ensure all required digital materials appear in the RPI LMS by the first day of class.  

Students are automatically enrolled in the CMVP upon registration in a participating course. Students who are not interested in the material savings can opt-out of the program each term with no penalty. Students who opt-out of the CMVP are responsible for finding and purchasing their own required digital materials. 

Faculty choose to participate their course(s) in the CMVP program at the point of course material adoptions and students are notified if they enrolled in a participating course at the point of course registration. Additionally, all participating students and faculty will receive communications to their RPI email address providing them with all necessary program information including deadlines, fees, and how to opt-out/opt-in as available. Be on the lookout for the following emails with the following subject lines: 

  • Brytewave | Your New Materials from… | Faculty 
  • Important Information Regarding your Course Materials for the Upcoming Term | Faculty & Students 
  • Welcome to the CMVP | Students
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What courses are participating in the CMVP?

If you enrolled in a course below, you are automatically enrolled in the CMVP and do not need to purchase your required digital course materials for that class. Students in these courses who are not interested in having their required materials provided to them can opt out each semester.

The following courses are participating in the CMVP for the Spring 2025 semester.   

Course Name DEPT-Course Number Total Student Charge
CHEMISTRY II CHEM-1200 $121.24
MONEY & BANKING ECON-4130 $119.99
CALCULUS I MATH-1010 $94.49
CALCULUS II MATH-1020 $94.49
PHYSICS I (S) PHYS-1110 $84.99
PHYSICS II PHYS-1200 $84.99
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Program Benefits of the CMVP

  • Faculty can begin teaching Day 1 as all students are prepared with correct materials. 
  • Required course materials available digitally in the student’s RPI LMS account by day one of class, with no waiting in line with heavy books.    
  • Easy access and management of digital course materials in the RPI LMS
  • Reduced stress related to finding and purchasing the correct course materials in time for the start of classes.    
  • Digital platforms offer key features such as: highlighting, flash cards & note-sharing, leading to greater success in the course.
  • Guaranteed best pricing for your course materials.

How do students get their course materials?

Once the student registers for their courses and enroll in participating courses in the program, the student is automatically enrolled in the CMVP and the campus store will get all their required digital materials for that course ready for them. Students will receive confirmation emails to their RPI email account sharing details to access their digital materials in their RPI LMS account. 

What type of course materials will students receive?

CMVP participants will receive digital course materials only. Any physical course materials (lab goggles, lab manuals, etc.) are not part of the CMVP and students will have to purchase them separately in the Rensselaer Collegiate Store or on the store website.

How do I get my non-CMVP course materials?

Only required digital materials for courses participating in the CMVP are included. For non-CMVP courses and additional recommended materials, you can order these materials online or visit the Rensselaer Collegiate Store where textbook experts will be happy to assist you.  

What is the difference between "Required" and "Recommended" course materials?
  • Required: it is necessary for the course. 
  • Recommended: the instructor has suggested an item that may be helpful. 

Only digital materials identified by the faculty as required may be included in the CMVP. All recommended materials may be available for purchase separately at the Rensselaer Collegiate Store or on the store website.


What if a student adds or drops a CMVP course?

If a student adds or drops a course, that information is automatically transmitted to the campus store.

Added courses...

Within 24 hours of adding a course, students will receive an email at their RPI email address with details to access their digital materials and/or if their materials are already provisioned directly into the RPI LMS. Students will be billed directly on their tuition account for the CMVP courses that they are enrolled in.

Dropped courses...

For CMVP courses dropped prior to the last day to add/drop or the opt-out/opt-in deadline, access to electronic or digital materials will be automatically disabled. Students will automatically receive a refund to their tuition account for the CMVP course(s) that they drop.

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Is the CMVP mandatory or can students opt-out?

All students who register for participating CMVP courses are automatically enrolled in the program once they register for their courses. Students may choose to opt-out and remove themselves from the program before the opt-out deadline for a full refund. If a student opts-out, they are then responsible for finding/purchasing their required materials independently. Students must take action to opt-out of the program each term. There is no penalty for opting out. 

The opt-out portal opens on Friday, November 22, 2024 and closes on Monday, January 20, 2025.

You can access the opt-out portal by going HERE.

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I opted out of the CMVP, but I've changed my mind. What do I do?

You may opt-out or opt-in until the portal closure deadline. For Spring 2025, the deadline is January 20, 2025. You may opt back in by going HERE.

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Where do I go if I need more assistance?

Questions about the CMVP should be directed to the Rensselaer Collegiate Store.

Store Hours (while classes are in session):
Monday - Friday | 10am - 6pm
Saturday | 11am - 3pm
Sunday | Closed

We are located on the Lower Level of the Rensselaer Student Union at the corner of 15th Street and Sage Avenue in Troy, NY.

Call us at (518) 276-6555.

Questions can also be directed to the program email address: