Working at the frontier of today’s most critical areas of inquiry, Rensselaer attracts roughly $103 million in research funding each year. We encourage undergraduate students from all five schools to become part of this exciting research, and to make research an integral part of their undergraduate education.
Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research Program (Academic Year)
The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) provides undergraduate students the opportunity to work directly with faculty members on real-world, hands-on projects, either for academic credit or as a paid URP assistant.

Summer Undergraduate Research Award
The Summer Undergraduate Research Awards provide students with the opportunity to engage in full-time research during the summer months. This program allows students to immerse themselves in a research topic for a ten-week period, with awardees receiving a stipend up to $5,000.

For Faculty Research Advisors
Start a student early in their academic career in your field of research.