

Entries will be accepted in undergraduate and graduate divisions in each of the following categories: 

  • Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, & Drama
  • Poetry
  • Academic Essay
  • Electronic Media Using Language
  • Mixed Creative Genre: Language & Empowerment
    • Autofiction
    • Creative Nonfiction
    • Autobiographical Poetry or Drama
    • Spoken Word
    • Hybrid Genre

Students may submit to as many categories as they wish; however, students are limited to two entries and one award in each category.

Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, & Drama 

A single short story/graphic short story, personal essay/graphic essay, chapter from a novel or memoir, or a one-act play/screenplay.


A group of poems or a single poem from each entrant.

Academic Essay

An academic essay or research paper written for a class or independent study. This must include proper citations and bibliography or works cited page.

Mixed Genre: Language and Empowerment (Undergraduate Only)

“Language and Empowerment” reflects the Department of Communication and Media’s emphasis on language as a primary vehicle for the work of democracy, social justice, and equity. The contest judges are looking for creative work that enacts the personal as political, that is rebellious at heart, and that seeks to interrogate injustice and inequity while celebrating diversity and resilience. Submit autofiction/autobiographical drama, poetry, creative nonfiction, or spoken word exploring issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. This category is open only to undergraduate students at this time.

Electronic Mixed Media Using Language  

This category asks for any artistic visualization using words as a dominant element to convey a story, message, or experience. Fiction, drama, poetry, creative nonfiction, and essays using electronic mixed media are encouraged, as are all forms of visual communication that emphasize words in 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d. Examples include interactive narratives, motion graphics, audio-visual art, games, animations, net art, storybooks, comics, and writing that incorporates photographs or illustrations—handmade art or prints may be scanned and submitted as a digital file.


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