As a community of learners, the Dean of Students Office, Division of Student Life, is committed to an educational experience that is interactive and engaging for students and their families. We provide seamless student services, promote undergraduate retention and graduation, identify entrepreneurship opportunities, and facilitate the development of K–16 pipeline initiatives for young men and women.
Dean of Students

Student Rights, Responsibilites, and Conduct
The Dean of Students Office provides a comprehensive Student Conduct program that fosters moral, intellectual, and personal development, and social responsibility.

Rensselaer Union
With responsibility for a multimillion-dollar budget, a staff of 20, and 200 undergraduate employees, students learn valuable leadership skills through The Rensselaer Union.

Student Living and Learning
Clustered Learning, Advocacy, and Support for Students (CLASS) incorporates a new model of residence life that embraces Rensselaer students regardless of where they live.

Civic Engagement
Rensselaer has a long and rich history of leadership and service in the community including Community Advocates, Project Pericles, RPI Relief and the Community Service Committee.