Teaching and Learning Collaboratory

To support active and blended learning we provide faculty with resources that define various concepts and tools to use in their classroom that promote student participation and engagement with the course content, instructor, and students.

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Rensselaer Teaching and Learning Video Tutorials Library

The TLC is happy to announce our Teaching and Learning Video Tutorials Library which is made up of some of the workshops and colloquium presentations that have been offered through the Teaching and Learning Collaboratory. The library will continue to be updated as more workshops become available. Please click on the link below to access the library. Enjoy!

Rensselaer Teaching and Learning Video Tutorials Library 


Communication Resources

Concepts and tools faculty can use in their classroom to promote student participation and engagement.

Teaching and Learning Email List

The Teaching and Learning e-Newsflash is a list for faculty (and staff are also very welcome) interested in instructional technologies, pedagogy, and innovative tools for classroom engagement. We now have about 300 contacts in the list and are excited to see it continue to grow! This list has been created to support faculty who wish to try new technologies and strategies for learning. Subscribers will also be notified about any teaching and learning workshops/events on campus. You will receive no more than two communications a month. So, be sure to join this community and initiative that strives for active student participation in learning and nurtures the passion for teaching and learning for all.

Subscribe to list

Learning Newsflash

Listed below are the Learning Newsflash articles that contain educational information and/or quick tips on innovative strategies to enrich knowledge.










Teaching and Learning Topics To Explore

Below is a list of popular topics that the Teaching and Learning Collaboratory currently focuses on. If you have an interest in one of the topics, please review our workshop schedule below to register for those currently available. If the workshop is not listed or the date and time does not fit for your your schedule, please reach out to Maureen Fodera to discuss what topic you would like to review and to schedule a time.

Pedagogical - Supporting In Person or Digital/Online Delivery
Active Learning
Best practices, benefits, and examples

Active Learning
Deeper Dive into Visual Maps, Jigsaw, and Think/Pair/Share

Flipping the Classroom
Best practices, benefits, considerations and tools
Creating Effective Multiple Choice Questions for Student Response Systems Engaging Discussions – Get Your Students Thinking and Engaged with Your Subject Matter
Tips for Planning Your Condensed Course Tips for Incorporating Digital Story Telling as Assignments
Considering Brave Spaces vs. Safe Spaces in Discussions Tips on Ways to Engage and Motivate Students with Reading Assignments and Micro Video Lectures
Guidelines for Working with Online Approaches for an Online or In Person Classroom Format
(Being Present, Organizing Course Intuitively, Framework for Learning Activities, Online Discussion Board Etiquette, Asynchronous and Synchronous Modalities – When Best to Use)
Best Practices for Dealing with Student Absences
Tips for Improving Online Breakout Rooms
Note: This topic focuses on strategies to improve the flow of break our rooms. It does not review how to use the technology tool.
Software Application/Tools
Tips for Creating Basic Excel Pivot Tables Using Excel for Windows Tips for Creating Letter and Label Mail Merges Using Word for Windows
Working with the iClicker Tool – Student Response System Tips for Working with Google Earth – Chrome Version
Supported Whiteboarding Tools on Campus for Courses or Meetings - Webex and Box Supported Polling Tools on Campus for Courses or Meetings - Slido and iClicker


Workshops are defined for faculty, staff, and graduate students of Rensselaer. If the workshop date and time does not fit your schedule or you are looking for a topic that is currently not being offered this term, please:

Training Topic Date and Time Format Registration Link
Rensselaer Faculty and Staff Webinar: iClicker Cloud Instructor Training Various Introduction and Advanced sessions offered by iClicker trainers Online Webinar Use the following link for upcoming sessions and to register: Register
Rensselaer Faculty Quick Learn Webinar: Best Practices for Dealing with Student Absences Thursday, January 16

10:30 – 11:00am

Online Webinar Register
Rensselaer Faculty and Staff Quick Learn Webinar: Ways to Engage Students with Reading Assignments and Micro Video Lectures Wednesday, January 22

11:00 – 11:30am

Online Webinar Register
Rensselaer Faculty and Staff Quick Learn Webinar: Tips for Incorporating Digital Story Telling as Assignments Monday, January 27

12:00 – 12:30pm

Online Webinar Register
Rensselaer Faculty and Staff In Person Workshop: Beta Classroom Technology Preview Session Wednesday, Feb. 12

12:00 – 1:00pm

In Person
Beta Classroom, 
First Floor of Folsom Library

Space is limited, register by Feb 10th.

Rensselaer Faculty and Staff Webinar: Strategies on Flipping Your Classroom Tuesday, Feb. 18

12:00 – 1:00pm

Online Webinar Register


Rensselaer Faculty and Staff Quick Learn Webinar: Creating Basic Pivot Tables with Excel for Windows Monday, Feb. 24

1:30 – 2:00pm

Online Webinar Register
Rensselaer Faculty and Staff In Person Workshop: Deeper Dive into the Active Learning Approaches of Jigsaw, Think/Pair/Share, & Concept Maps Tuesday, March 4th

11:00 – 12:00pm

In Person

Beta Classroom, 
First Floor of Folsom Library


Space is limited, register by February 28th.

Rensselaer Faculty and Staff Quick Learn Webinar: Considering Brave Spaces Vs. Safe Spaces in Discussions Thursday, March 13th

12:00 – 12:30pm

Online Webinar Register
Rensselaer Faculty and Staff In Person Workshop: Supported Whiteboarding Tools on Campus for Courses or Meeting Tuesday, March 18th

1:00 – 2:00pm

In Person

Beta Classroom, 
First Floor of Folsom Library


Space is limited, register by March 14h.

Rensselaer Faculty and Staff In Person Workshop: Working with Google Earth on the Web in Chrome Wednesday, March 26th

11:00 – 12:00pm

In Person
Beta Classroom, 
First Floor of Folsom Library

Space is limited, register by March 21.

Rensselaer Faculty and Staff Quick Learn Webinar: Tips for Condensing Your Course Tuesday, April 1st

1:00 – 1:30pm

Online Webinar Register
Rensselaer Faculty and Staff In Person Workshop: Supported Polling Tools on Campus for Courses or Meetings Monday, April 7th

11:00 – 12:00pm

In Person

Beta Classroom, 
First Floor of Folsom Library


Space is limited, register by April 4th.

Rensselaer Faculty and Staff Quick Learn Webinar: Creating Mail Merges Using Word for Windows


Thursday, April 10th

10:30 – 11:00am

Online Webinar Register



Syllabus Guidance for Language with Generative AI Tools

Faculty and instructors can decide whether AI tools fit within their pedagogical goals and should clearly state their course policies in a designated section of their syllabi. The following suggested syllabus statements focused on generative AI tools in the classroom were curated from discussions as well as openly available Web resources. The Web resources are cited in the Resources section of this reference. These categories and statements are offered to spark your own thinking, and they may be applied or modified as appropriate. 

Artificial Intelligence Terms

Terms taken directly from the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Basic Artificial Intelligent Terms documentation.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves computer systems imitating human intelligence for tasks, such as problem solving, learning, and natural language understanding. Remember, AI lacks independent thought and reasoning. Humans feed data into AI as well as create the algorithms and instructions that define the system's inputs, outputs, and data processing. 
  • AI Bias often originates from biased training data that is fed into the system. To ensure AI systems are accurate and impartial, both the training data and AI outputs must be regularly reviewed for bias. 
  • Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is a form of AI capable of crafting diverse data, including images, videos, audio, text, and 3D models. It achieves this by studying patterns in existing data and leveraging that understanding to produce novel and distinctive results. 
  • Hallucinations occur when AI produces inaccurate results, such as creating content, resources, and references. This may be due to incomplete or biased data, the use of repeated inaccurate data, a request to complete a task that is too complex, and/or the failure to generalize. 
  • Large Language Model (LLM) is an AI variant trained on extensive data sets. Its primary function is to create text that mirrors human composition, and it excels in tasks such as language translation. 
  • Prompting, in the context of AI, is the act of feeding specific text inputs to steer the subsequent outputs and requires expertise for optimal results.
Generative AI Tools Use is not Permitted
  • We expect that all work students submit for this course will be their own. In instances when collaborative work is assigned, we expect the assignment to list all team members who participated. We specifically forbid the use of ChatGPT or any other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools at all stages of the work process, including preliminary ones. Violations of this policy will be considered academic misconduct. We draw your attention to the fact that different classes could implement different AI policies, and it is the student’s responsibility to conform to expectations for each course.
  • In this course, every element of class assignments must be fully prepared by the student.  The use of generative AI tools for any part of your work will be treated as plagiarism. If you have questions, please contact me.
  • All assignments should be fully prepared by the student. Developing strong competencies in the skills associated with this course, from student-based brainstorming to project development, will prepare you for success in your degree pathway and, ultimately, a competitive career. Therefore, the use of generative AI tools to complete any aspect of assignments for this course are not permitted and will be treated as plagiarism. If you have questions about what constitutes a violation of this statement, please contact me.
  • AI Writing tools are not permitted for any stage or phase of work in this class.  If you use these tools, your actions would be considered academically dishonest and a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy.
  • To ensure all students have an equal opportunity to succeed and to preserve the integrity of the course, students are not permitted to submit text that is generated by artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Claude, Google Bard, or any other automated assistance for any classwork or assessments. This includes using AI to generate answers to assignments, exams, or projects, or using AI to complete any other course-related tasks. Using AI in this way undermines your ability to develop critical thinking, writing, or research skills that are essential for this course and your academic success.
Generative AI Tools Use is Permitted in Limited Capacity
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) language models, such as ChatGPT, may be used for [assignment types A, B & C] with appropriate citation, but not for [assignment types D, E & F]. If you are in doubt as to whether you are using AI language models appropriately in this course, I encourage you to discuss your situation with me. You are responsible for fact checking statements composed by AI language models.
  • The use of generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT and DALL-E) for brainstorming ideas, exploring possible responses to questions or problems, and creative engagement with the materials may be useful for you as you craft responses to class assignments. While there is no substitute for working directly with your instructor, the potential for generative AI tools to provide automatic feedback, assistive technology and language assistance is clearly developing. Please feel free to reach out to me well in advance of the due date of assignments for which you may be using generative AI tools and I will be happy to discuss what is acceptable.
  • In this course, students shall give credit to AI tools whenever used, even if only to generate ideas rather than usable text or illustrations. Students shall not use AI tools during in-class examinations or assignments unless explicitly permitted and instructed. Overall, AI tools should be used wisely and reflectively with an aim to deepen understanding of subject matter. When using AI tools on assignments, add an appendix showing: 
    •  the entire exchange, highlighting the most relevant sections
    • a description of precisely which AI tools were used (e.g. ChatGPT private subscription version or DALL-E free version)
    • an explanation of how the AI tools were used (e.g. to generate ideas, turns of phrase, elements of text, long stretches of text, lines of argument, pieces of evidence, maps of the conceptual territory, illustrations of key concepts, etc.)
    • an account of why AI tools were used (e.g. to save time, to surmount writer’s block, to stimulate thinking, to handle mounting stress, to clarify prose, to translate text, to experiment for fun, etc.)
  • It is a violation of university policy to misrepresent work that you submit or exchange with your instructor by characterizing it as your own, such as submitting responses to assignments that do not acknowledge the use of generative AI tools. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have about the use of generative AI tools before submitting any content that has been substantially informed by these tools.
  • In this course, we may use generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT) to examine the ways in which these kinds of tools may inform our exploration of the topics of the class. You will be informed as to when and how these tools will be used, along with guidance for attribution if/as needed. Any use of generative AI tools outside of these parameters constitutes plagiarism and will be treated as such.
  • Understanding how and when to use generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT or DALL-E) is quickly emerging as an important skill for future professions. To that end, you are welcome to use generative AI tools in this class as long as it aligns with the learning outcomes or goals associated with assignments. You are fully responsible for the information you submit based on a generative AI query (such that it does not violate academic honesty standards, intellectual property laws, or standards of non-public research you are conducting through coursework). Your use of generative AI tools must be properly documented and cited for any work submitted in this course.
  • Students may use AI as part of their research and preparation for assignments, or as a text editor, but text that is submitted must be written by the student. For example, students may use AI to generate ideas, questions, or summaries that they then revise, expand, or cite properly. Students should also be aware of the potential benefits and limitations of using AI as a tool for learning and research. AI systems can provide helpful information or suggestions, but they are not always reliable or accurate. Students should critically evaluate the sources, methods, and outputs of AI systems. Violations of this policy will be treated as academic misconduct. If you have any questions about this policy or if you are unsure whether a particular use of AI is acceptable, please do not hesitate to ask for clarification.
  • During our class, we may use AI Writing tools such as ChatGPT.  You will be informed as to when, where, and how these tools are permitted to be used, along with guidance for attribution.  Any use outside of this permission constitutes a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy.
  • Certain assignments in this course will permit or even encourage the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT. The default is that such use is disallowed unless otherwise stated. Any such use must be appropriately acknowledged and cited. It is each student’s responsibility to assess the validity and applicability of any AI output that is submitted; you bear the final responsibility. Violations of this policy will be considered academic misconduct. We draw your attention to the fact that different classes could implement different AI policies, and it is the student’s responsibility to conform to expectations for each course.
  • We recognize that there are varieties of AI programs available to assist writers. AI programs are not a replacement for human creativity, originality, and critical thinking. Writing is a craft that you must develop over time to develop your own individual voice as a writer. However, within limited circumstances, and with proper attribution, AI programs may be used as a tool.
Generative AI Tools Use is Permitted
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) language models, such as ChatGPT, may be used for any assignment with appropriate citation. You are responsible for fact checking statements composed by AI language models.
  • AI Writing tools such as ChatGPT are welcome in this class, if you cite when and how you use the tool.  You will be provided with examples of how to cite your use of this tool in your writing.
  • The use of generative AI is encouraged with certain tasks and with attribution: You can choose to use AI tools to help brainstorm assignments or projects or to revise existing work you have written. When you submit your assignment, I expect you to clearly attribute what text the AI tool generated (e.g., AI-generated text appears in a different colored font, quoted directly in the text, or use an in-text parenthetical citation).
  • Designers commonly use AI-content generation tools in their work. In this course, using AI-content generation tools is permitted and will be a normal and regular part of our creative process when it is used according to the below criteria. In this course, neglecting to follow these requirements may be considered academic dishonesty. 
    • For each assignment, you are required to include a paragraph that explains what AI content- generation tool you used, the dates you used it, and the prompts you used to generate the content.
    • During critique, it is important to describe the precedents you used and how any source content was transformed. When showing or presenting images or other content you generated using an AI-tool, cite that image or content. If you need help referencing your creative work, contact me to collaborate.
  • Students are invited to use AI platforms to help prepare for assignments and projects (e.g., to help with brainstorming or to see what a completed essay might look like). I also welcome you to use AI tools to help revise and edit your work (e.g., to help identify flaws in reasoning, spot confusing or underdeveloped paragraphs, or to simply fix citations). When submitting work, students must clearly identify any writing, text, or media generated by AI. This can be done in a variety of ways. In this course, parts of essays generated by AI should appear in a different colored font, and the relationship between those sections and student contributions should be discussed in cover letters that accompany the essay submission.
  • This course encourages students to explore the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT for all assignments and assessments. Any such use must be appropriately acknowledged and cited. It is each student’s responsibility to assess the validity and applicability of any AI output that is submitted; you bear the final responsibility. Violations of this policy will be considered academic misconduct. We draw your attention to the fact that different classes could implement different AI policies, and it is the student’s responsibility to conform to expectations for each course.

Beta Classroom

The Beta Classroom is located on the First Floor of the Folsom Library. The Beta Classroom is a high technology testing space for interactive learning, which can accommodate about 20 participants. The goal of this space is for faculty to pilot new or interactive technologies and pedagogical approaches that may be appropriate for rolling out in a broad range of classrooms. 

Click the Technology Preview Session sub-topic link below for information on in person workshops available. Workshops are offered every term. If you are unable to attend the workshop, please view the following tutorial on the Beta Classroom Technology

Technology Preview Session

Check out our workshop schedule to see if a Beta Classroom Preview Workshop is running. Be sure to click the red plus sign to the left of the Current Workshop title to expand the listing.

If you are unable to attend the workshop, please view the following tutorial on the Beta Classroom Technology

If the workshop is not available or does not fit your schedule, contact Maureen Fodera to schedule a preview session of the technology. 

Scheduling the Beta Classroom

Send an email to Maureen Fodera with a brief summary on your learning concept using the various technologies available in the room. Define which technologies you would like to work with and explain how you will be testing/using the technology with your content to create engagement for the students and improve their learning. 

If your proposed concept is approved by the Vice Provost and Instructional Technology Specialist for testing in the Beta Classroom, you will work with Maureen Fodera to schedule your session(s).

After testing, you will be asked to complete a survey that collects your observations and conclusions on using the technology to improve learning. The data will be used to assist in the justification for pushing out some of the technologies into other classrooms on campus.


Tools to Support Learning

RPI Supported Tools
Blackboard Learn

Blackboard Learn is the Learning Management System (LMS) supported by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The platform contains multiple features, such as organization for your course documents, such as syllabus and lecture notes. Blackboard Learn also allows instructors to set up spaces for students to upload assignments, which can be run by the Safe Assign plagiarism checker if desired. Other features include online tests, discussion boards, and blogs. 

Link to submit a support request to our LMS Team: RPI LMS Support Link  

Cisco Webex

Cisco Webex is a web conferencing software service that offers immersive online meeting experiences for collaboration, virtual classrooms and webinars.  Learn more about Webex Meetings, Teams and Training.

Link to submit a support request to our MultiMedia Services Team: RPI MultiMedia Services Team


Gradescope is an online grading tool that allows teachers to provide feedback to students on their tests and assignments. It provides detailed feedback on each section of the submission to students, and  instructors can access detailed assignment and question analytics. 

Gradescope support site


This tool offers live responses to questions the instructor poses in class whether an in-person or online course. As an institute, we use the iClicker Cloud version. The remotes are no longer supported on campus as we have moved to the mobile subscription based solution for the students to offer more flexibility and engagement for in the classroom or remotely. The instructor can create polls or low-stakes testing in-class to have instant feedback about the lesson material. This took integrates with our LMS system. 

iClicker Cloud Resource Page

Contact: Maureen Fodera (foderm@rpi.edu)


Submitty is an open source programming assignment submission system from the Rensselaer Center for Open Source Software (RCOS), launched by the Department of Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. It supports secure testing of many languages, including Python, C/C++, Java, and anything available on GNU/Linux, as well as advanced grading tools like memory debuggers. Other features include multiple submissions for students, flexible late day policies, hidden tests, an interface for instructor manual grading, and support for multiple instructors. 

Contact: Prof. Barbara Cutler (cutleb@rpi.edu)


Box is a cloud content management and file sharing service. Box's main features include online storage, secure file sharing, syncing with desktop, file editing, notes application and file preview. Box supports granular permissions, which allow the user to permit others to have specific permissions, such as "view only" or "edit", over files hosted on their account. Additional features include version history, commenting, and search options. Box supports usage via a web browser on a desktop computer, or the Box Mobile App on mobile devices, available for Android and iOS.


The platform includes thousands of assets that you can access anytime from any device! Lifelong learning is a fundamental component of our mission at Rensselaer. New technologies and business practices require skill development and innovation. Whether you are interested in a short vignette for a specific job related need, or a comprehensive course designed to advance your career, the Professional Learning Center for Faculty, Staff and Students contains solutions. Explore the possibilities and login to your personalized account via the Skillport link above using your RCS login information.

Contact: Will Fahey (faheyw@rpi.edu)

Professional Video Recording

The division of Production & Video Services of RPI MultiMedia Services is a full service video and multimedia production facility, dedicated to professionally producing and delivering content for the Rensselaer's instructional, event and Institute advancement needs. Its services are provided at no charge for course listed on the SIS Class Hour Schedule, but their equipment and services are also available (on a fee basis) for non-course, on-campus events.  

Contact: pvs@rpi.edu 


Mediasite is a presentation tool that allows instructors to make live digital recordings of lectures or presentations. Students can view the presentation over the internet in real-time and/or can access the presentation for viewing at a later date. 

Link to submit a support request to our Mediasite Team: RPI MultiMedia Services Team 


Additional Tools

Voicethread is a collaborative, multimedia, cloud-based slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments using voice, text, audio file, or video. Voicethread's services incur a cost per instructor with additional per-student fees for classes of over 50 students.


Slack is a cloud-based platform of team collaboration tools and services. Features include teams, which groups to join through a specific URL sent by a team admin or owner, and channels, which are specific chat threads that can be public and open to all members of a group, or can be private an include only a subset of members. The platform can be accessed via a web browser on a computer, or via mobile app available on Android and iOS. Slack is a free service, with additional features available for a fee. 


YouTube is a video sharing platform that allows unregistered users to view all of its content, but users to log in with their Google account to upload, rate, share, comment on videos, make playlists and subscribe to other users. YouTube hosts user uploaded videos in a variety of topics, including education, science, entertainment, lifestyle, beauty, travel, fashion, and more. The plaftorm can be accessed via a web browser on a computer, or via mobile app available on Android and iOS. YouTube is a free service, with the option to pay a fee for the YouTube Red service, which removes advertisements and allows users to access restricted content.

Desmos Graphing Calculator

Desmos is a mobile application and browser-based graphing calculator. In addition to graphing both equations and inequalities, its features include: lists, plots, regressions, graph restriction, simultaneous graphing, piecewise function graphing, polar function graphing, and other features commonly found in programmable calculators. Desmos is a free service accessible via its website, and application available in Android and iOS

Google Drive

Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service that can be accessed with a Google account (which can be associated with an email of any domain, for example: Gmail or an RPI email address). Google Drive supports desktop via web and programs for Windows and MacOS, as well as mobile platforms, with apps for Android and iOS. It also includes a collaborative editing office suite comprised of Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, which allow multiple users to open and edit files of the following categories in real time: documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more. Google Drive is free to use up to 15 GB of storage, though additional storage can be purchased.


SurveyMonkey is a web-based platform that provides customizable online surveys, as well as a suite of paid back-end programs that include data analysis, sample selection, bias elimination, and data representation tools. Surveys can be created wither using a computer with a web browser or on a mobile device with the SurveyMonkey app available for Android and iOS. However, surveys can be responded via web browser on any device. SurveyMonkey can be used for free by a single user receiving 100 or less responses per survey, but further features can be accessed at a cost. 

Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator translates conversations so everyone can join in. There is also a feature to download the transcript once the conversation or course content has been shared.


Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform, where anyone can create multiple-choice quizzes that a whole class can access and interact in real time by using their own electronic devices. Kahoot! supports use via a web browser on Windows or Mac computers, or via a mobile app on Android and iOS smartphones. Kahoot! Is a free service. 

Wheel Decide

Wheel Decide is a website that lets users provide a set of options to create a “wheel”, which can then be “spun” to output a random choice of the given options. The tool is available to be used by anyone at the website, and users that log can save wheels to their profile for later use. It is a free service and can supports use from any computer with a web browser.  


Voice and text chat tool. 



iClicker Cloud Resources

iClicker Cloud

In Fall 2021 the campus transitioned to using the iClicker Cloud and Mobile solutions.  Clickers are the common term for Student Response Systems (SRS), a technology used to promote active learning within courses. iClicker is an effective tool for teaching in all modalities, seamlessly allowing instructors to poll their students. With iClicker you can:

  • Poll in-classroom and remote students synchronously -- students can participate in live sessions from anywhere in the world.
  • The “Assignments” feature allows for instructors to create assignments (polls) for students to complete asynchronously before a due date.

The campus no longer be uses the radio frequency bases in the classrooms or the remote clickers. Bases have been removed from all classrooms in August 2021.

iClicker Cloud integrates with our LMS (Blackboard) so that polling points can be synced over to Blackboard Gradebook. Instructors use a free iClicker account to create their courses and sync with Blackboard. Students no longer purchase a physical remote clicker to respond, but will need to purchase a student subscription. Students can purchase the subscription with an access code card from our Campus Bookstore or through the App. Once a subscription is purchased by the student, the students can respond to polls using a mobile device or a web browser from their laptop.

Instructor Information

Below are links to further details and information on using iClicker Cloud, setting up the Instructor account, and polling.  The documentation is general so in the bullets below you will find more specific details that pertain to our Institute:

  • We will not be using the iClicker remotes.  The only way students can respond is by purchasing a subscription and then using a mobile device or their laptop. Students can purchase a subscription from the campus bookstore or they can purchase directly through the iClicker app.
  •  As an instructor, you will not need to import your students. iClicker integrates with Blackboard.  Once you integrate your iClicker course with your Blackboard course, you will be able to automatically sync your roster. 

Access iClicker Cloud through:

  1. The desktop software for running synchronous polling, quizzing, and attendance activities.
  2. The instructor website for everything else outside of live class time: class history, assignments, people management, gradebook, attendance, and settings.

The iClicker Cloud Instructor Checklist covers all the steps you should take to get ready to use iClicker Cloud in your course for the term. It includes links to how-to articles and videos for those steps, as well as troubleshooting information. 

Student Resources

iClicker Support & Training

Instructor Training

iClicker Trainers offer introductory and advanced training sessions throughout the year.  For a list of upcoming trainings and to register, please use the following link:  iClicker Training

Student Information

If you have a course that will be using iClicker Cloud, a subscription must be purchased in order to respond to the polls.  Our Instituste no longer uses the remotes. There are several levels of subscriptions that can be purchased through our Campus Bookstore or directly through the iClicker app. One subscription allows you to respond to polling for all of the classeses within the time period purchased. 

iClicker Support

iClicker Knowledge Base and Support Ticket System

To search for specific topics or submit a support ticket, please use the following link: iClicker Knowledge Base or Submit a Support Ticket Link


2024-25 Teaching and Learning Collaboratory Board

The group of people comprising the TLC is the Rensselaer teaching community, led by a board of faculty advisors. The goals of the TLC board are:

  • To cultivate an Institute-wide culture of pedagogical excellence in the classroom and to encourage innovations in teaching.
  • To host workshops where teaching best practices are disseminated, new technologies are introduced, and broader discussions around pedagogy take place.
  • To encourage and create teams of faculty to compete for external funding for research into pedagogical innovations.
  • To identify and support promising pedagogical innovation seed projects.
  • To develop new initiatives for gamification of courses and curriculum with emphasis on large lecture classes.
  • To support the development of team-based proposals for interactive learning and gameful learning initiatives on campus.

The TLC board is led by our Vice Provost and comprised of Rensselaer faculty members committed to pedagogical innovation. Members of the board serve staggered 3-year terms.

TLC Board Members
Matt Oehlschlaeger
Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education
Christianna Bennett
Assistant Professor, Architecture
School of Architecture
Robert Whalen
Lecturer, Music and Conducting
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Adam Dayem
Assistant Professor, Architecture
School of Architecture
Helen Zha
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
School of Engineering
Meng Wang
Associate Professor, Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
School of Engineering
Judith Obiero
Associate Director and Lecturer, Archer Center for Student Leadership Development
Rui Fan
Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
School of Science
Jeremy Farrell
Lecturer, Sr, Biological Sciences
School of Science
Brian Clark
Associate Professor
Lally School of Management
Maureen Fodera (Non-Voting Support Member)
Instructional Technology Specialist
Undergraduate Department
Tiffany Powell (Non-Voting Ex Officio Member)
Director, ARCH Academic Programs
Undergraduate Department



Call for Proposals

The Office of Undergraduate Education is pleased to announce this call for proposals supporting pedagogical innovation from the Rensselaer Teaching and Learning Collaboratory (TLC). 

The TLC invites proposals from full time tenure track faculty members or lecturers/Professors of Practice for piloting and assessing pedagogical innovations, especially those integrating interactive technologies into the classroom.  We wish to fund seed projects that will serve as the foundation for external grant applications.   Project proposals should entail the implementation of new interactive approaches, gaming, remote laboratories, or other innovative methods. The Beta Classroom is a space that may also be used for testing if appropriate for the project. 

Proposals are due until March 7, 2025 (pdf to rpiuged@rpi.edu)
Winners will be announced by May 8, 2025 and funding will commence July 1, 2025.

For further information on the call and details for applying, click TLC 2025 Proposal Information.



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