You are welcome here. You belong here. We support you here.

Current Students

The International Services for Students and Scholars (ISSS) office is here to assist students and scholars in maintaining their status. Please remember this is ultimately the responsibility of the student to maintain their status while in the United States. Our office is not a branch of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). However, we are obligated to answer inquiries from DHS or the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (USCIS).

This page was last updated on: July 12, 2024.


Rensselaer Information

Campus Resources

Services are listed in alphabetical order.

Campus Clubs & Organizations

  • Rensselaer offers many ways for you to get involved in clubs and organizations on campus. To learn more about the Rensselaer Clubs and Organizations, visit the Rensselaer Union website here:

Disability Student Services

  • Disability Student Services (DSS) assists Rensselaer students with disabilities in gaining equal access to academic programs, extracurricular activities, and physical facilities on campus.
  • It serves as Rensselaer's designated office that refers students to off-campus centers for evaluation when needed, obtains and files disability-related documentation, assesses for eligibility of services, and determines reasonable accommodations in consultation with students.
  • DSS website:

RPI Student Legal Services

  • RPI Student Legal Services is not for Immigration Legal advice. If you have questions about immigration matters, please speak with a professional in the ISSS Office. To learn more about the Student Legal Services, see this link: (scroll down to Student Legal Services)

Student Health Center

  • Rensselaer's Student Health Center is a comprehensive, nationally accredited, physician-directed program providing outpatient ambulatory health care. Services include medical, gynecology, and allergy clinics, Counseling Services, and educational programming.
  • The Student Health Center is located on the 3rd Floor of Academy Hall, Suite 3200. Counseling Services is located on the 4th Floor of Academy Hall, Suite 4100. Website:
  • You can call the Health Center at 518-276-6287 or Counseling Services at 518-276-6479 to schedule an appointment or ask a question
  • Tip: Keep a first aid kit for minor illnesses or injuries that do not require the assistance of a professional.

The Center for Global Communication+Design (COMM+D)

  • The Center for Global Communication+Design (COMM+D) is a free resource for all members of the Rensselaer community.
  • In COMM+D, they recognize that non-native English-speaking students have varied needs when improving communication skills and adjusting to English. They are proud to offer both tutoring and language and culture support to address these needs.
  • COMM+D encourages non-native English-speaking students to make appointments with their experienced staff, who are trained to work with multilingual students. They can help with writing assignments, oral presentations, visual design projects, application essays for graduate school, and cover letters for job applications. Students also have access to COMM+D’s video workshops and other helpful documents that are available in the Resources section of their website.
  • For more information and to schedule an appointment, go to the COMM+D website:
Community & Other Resources

Health-Related Matters

  • In Case of Emergency
    • Call 911
    • Rensselaer Public Safety Emergency Number: 518-276-6611
    • Samaritan Hospital: 2215 Burdett Ave, Troy NY - 518-276-3300
  • NOTICE: These numbers are for emergency use. If you are in immediate need of medical attention, or in a life-threatening situation, do not hesitate to call these numbers. However, if your case is not an emergency, medical fees may not be covered by insurance and can be very expensive.
  • For Non-Emergency matters, consider going to Urgent Care.
    • Not sure what is urgent care or how to decide what is better for you?
    • Check out this article from the Mayo Clinic for information.
  • Urgent care is often much less expensive than going to the emergency room.

Weather in Troy

  • Troy experiences all four seasons at their best. We have a very warm summer, where temperatures can reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit and above, and a very cold winter, where temperatures can reach to 0 degrees Fahrenheit and below with lots of snow.
  • There are many tools to help you plan for the weather. Some tools we recommend are the Weather Channel and Swackett [for Apple only].
  • The Department of Public Safety also has information about how you can learn about severe weather and natural disasters:
  • If the weather approaching campus is severe, a message will be sent out through the RPI Alert system. To learn about this system and update your information, go here:
The Arch

The Arch is a unique approach to education that provides flexibility in the semester schedule, allowing students to pursue professional and personal development opportunities that prepare them to meet the multifaceted challenges of the 21st century.

For more information on international students and The Arch, please see the ISSS page Current Students: The Arch here:

New York State ID Documents

You may want to get an official document from New York State to carry with you in the Troy area instead of your passport. The document is issued by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NYS DMV, or DMV).

Non-citizens are able to apply for a New York driver license, permit, or non-driver ID card.

  • See this website from the DMV to learn about options for non-citizens:
  • Note that you may only get one of the three documents at one time: driver license, permit, or non-driver ID card
  • You may exchange one document for another by following the DMV processes (such as getting a non-driver ID card and then deciding to get your learner's permit so you can eventually get a driver license)

Driver License

"You can drive in New York State with a valid driver license from another country. You do not need to apply for a New York State driver license unless you become a New York State resident.

To get a New York State driver license, you must pass a written test, complete a 5-hour pre-licensing course and pass a road test.

When you pass your road test, you must give your foreign driver license to the DMV road test examiner.  The local DMV office will destroy your foreign driver license."

- From the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NYS DMV) website:


Maintaining Status + SEVIS

Expand each section to see guidelines to ensure that you are maintaining legal status in the United States.

If you are uncertain of whether or not what you are doing is legal, always check with the ISSS Office first.

Basic Overview
  • Notify ISSS of any Change of Address - Current students must update SIS with their address within 10 days of the change. Alumni will use the SEVP Portal to report their location when they are on OPT or STEM OPT.
    • Please make sure to also keep your phone numbers (both inside and outside the U.S.) updated.
  • Keep your passport valid at all times - Your passport should be valid for six months into the future at all times. Contact your embassy on what is required for a passport extension.
  • Do not work illegally - If you are not sure what is legal, contact the ISSS staff. Unpaid and volunteer employment still counts as employment for immigration purposes.
  • Keep your I-20 valid - Check the Program End Date on your I-20. You must update ISSS within 10 days if any of the information listed on your I-20 changes, and apply for a Program Extension at least 30 days before the Program End Date on the I-20 if needed.
    • For details on how to apply for an Extension of Stay, see the 'Finishing Your Program?' section on this page.

What is SEVIS?

SEVIS = Student and Exchange Visitor Information System. 

SEVIS is an online system that is used to report and maintain information for F-1 students. Only the Principal Designated School Official (PDSO) and Designated School Officials (DSOs) have access to this system. All ISSS staff use SEVIS to maintain F-1 records. SEVIS is also used to create the I-20, and to issue an updated I-20 when students change their major or apply for work authorization.

SEVIS Registration

F-1 students must be registered in SEVIS by ISSS every fall and spring semester (and during Summer Arch) to maintain their F-1 status. SEVIS registration confirms that the student is starting or continuing their program at Rensselaer, is enrolled full-time (unless otherwise approved), and has a valid U.S. address.

ISSS completes SEVIS registration within the first 30 days of each semester. It is important that students keep their U.S. address in SIS up-to-date, and that they are enrolled full-time every fall and spring (or talk to ISSS to discuss options to be part-time if eligible).

Annual Vacation

Every student is eligible for an annual vacation. This is an authorized break in study taken once per academic year, and it lasts for only one term. Typically, Rensselaer students have their annual vacation during the summer, except for students in Summer Arch.

Students are not required to take an annual vacation. They can choose to take time off in the summer (excluding the Summer Arch requirement for undergraduate students) and still be in status. To learn more about what is an annual vacation, see this link:

CIP Code

CIP Code = Classification of Instructional Programs Code

Every student has a CIP Code based on what they are studying at Rensselaer. This code is decided by the Registrar's Office, based upon documentation provided by the academic department. ISSS does not assign the CIP code for any academic programs.

The CIP code is found on Page 1 of the I-20, in the Program of Study box. The CIP Code name that prints on the I-20 may not be an exact match for the name of the major at Rensselaer. Students must notify ISSS if they believe their CIP code is incorrect, so it can be reviewed.

The CIP Code impacts the off- campus employment a student can perform while on CPT (Curricular Practical Training) and OPT (Optional Practical Training). All off-campus employment must be related to the major(s) listed on the I-20.

The CIP Code also determines if a student is eligible to apply for the STEM OPT Extension, which allows an additional 24 months of work after OPT.

To learn more about what are CIP Codes, see this link:

Education Levels

Every student has an Education Level based on their program at Rensselaer. There are three possible Education Levels at Rensselaer: Bachelor’s (for undergraduate students), Masters (for MS, MEng, MBA, MArch, and MFA students, and Doctorate (for PhD and DEng students).

The Education Level is found on Page 1 of the I-20, in the Program of Study box.

A student can only have one Education Level listed on their I-20. If a student will change their Education Level, they must coordinate with ISSS to provide documentation to update the I-20 to reflect the change. All students who participate in the co-terminal program will need to request a new I-20 after finishing the Bachelor's degree.

F-2 Dependent

You may request your spouse or child(ren) to be listed as a dependent through the ISSS Office. A new Form I-20 will be printed for your dependent(s) to obtain an F-2 visa and you will receive a new Form I-20 as the principal visa holder. An F-2 dependent's status is entirely dependent upon the F-1 maintaining his/her status. If the F-1 goes out of status, the F-2 loses status as well.

Please note: All family members must be covered by medical insurance while in the United States. The RPI Health Center can assist you with adding your dependent(s) to your current coverage.

Request Instructions

To request that your spouse or child(ren) be issued a Form I-20, you must submit an online request to ISSS that will require these documents:

  • Clear picture of dependent's identifying page in passport
  • Proof of sufficient finances
    • If the funding is not in your name, your sponsor must also provide you with a signed Affidavit of Support.

Students will complete an online process to submit their request. Go to this link:

Limitations on F-2 Dependents

F-2 dependents are not eligible to study full-time at the university level. F-2 dependents are eligible to study part-time at the university level. F-2's may also be eligible to take classes which are recreational or vocational (i.e. English language course, cooking course, etc.), but you should consult the ISSS Office first.

Study in the States has published an FAQ on updated F-2 dependent study regulations (effective May 29, 2015).

Finishing Your Program?

As an F-1 student, you have several options in your final semester. As you get ready to complete your program of study, you can:

Request Part-Time Enrollment (RCL) in your final semester

The federal government permits you to be a part-time student in very specific circumstances. You must obtain approval from ISSS before you become a part-time student.

For more information, expand the below section on Part-Time Enrollment (RCL).

Program Extension

All F-1 students are required to complete their program by the Program End Date listed on their I-20. If you will not complete your program by this date, you must apply for an extension at least 30 days before your Program End Date on your I-20.

For more information, expand the next section on I-20 Extension.

Apply for Post-Completion OPT (if eligible)

Optional Practical Training (OPT) offers F-1 students an opportunity for off-campus work experience in their field of study.

For more information, see the Employment in the U.S. section on Optional Practical Training (OPT).

60 day grace period

When F-1 students finish their program of study, there is a specified grace period of 60 days that begins after your Program End Date on your I-20.

During this grace period, you can do any of the following:

  • Apply and be accepted to a new academic program which starts within 5 months of your graduation date; or
  • Apply for Post-Completion OPT [see the section on Post-Completion OPT for instructions and timelines]; or
  • Travel inside of the U.S. and depart the U.S. by the end of the grace period; or
  • Apply to USCIS for a change of status [legal counsel recommended].

If you have applied for Post-Completion OPT, you are able to remain inside the U.S. in legal F-1 status while your application is pending. In fact, you should NOT depart the U.S. with a pending application. Your 60-day grace period does not apply during this time. Instead, you will receive a 60-day grace period upon completion of OPT.

Transfer to another U.S. school

For students who intend to transfer to another U.S. school, see the Leaving Rensselaer section on Transfer.

Start a new program at RPI

Students who intend to begin a new program of study at RPI will need to request a Change of Education Level (COL) I-20 within 60 days of of their Program End Date or graduation (whichever is sooner). Please keep in mind that you must allow ISSS at least 2 weeks for processing, so we highly recommend you submit all your documentation to us in advance of your Program End Date.

To learn more or request the Change of Level I-20, access the Change of Education Level request online:

We recommend that you speak with ISSS during our Open Hours in the semester before you will start your new program so we can provide guidance on travel outside of the U.S. and timing expectations. After your Change of Education Level I-20 has been issued, you are able to be employed on-campus (but not off-campus).

I-20 Extension

All F-1 students are required to complete their program by the Program End Date listed on their I-20. If you will not complete your program by this date, you must apply for an extension at least 30 days before your Program End Date on your I-20. Extensions filed in an untimely manner may not be processed and the student may have to return home or file for a reinstatement, which can be a costly and timely process.

Program Extension Requirements

To be eligible for a program extension, the student must have:

  • Continually maintained full-time F-1 status AND
    • Have compelling academic or medical reasons for the delay in completing the program, such as:
    • Change of major or research topic
    • Unexpected research problems
    • Loss of credits upon transfer to Rensselaer
    • Documented illness

Please note: Delays due to academic suspension or dismissal do not qualify for an extension. In this case, you would have to apply for reinstatement.

Application Instructions

Part-Time Enrollment (RCL)

International students are required to maintain a full-time course load every fall and spring semester. Full-time is 12 credit hours (for graduate students on teaching assistantships, it is 9 credit hours with approval from OGE).

Part-time enrollment (RCL) is only allowed in certain situations. These situations also require academic approval and ISSS approval. Students can receive a maximum of two Part-Time Enrollment (RCL) approvals per education level, excluding a RCL for medical reasons (maximum of 12 months).

Do not drop below full-time without first working with ISSS for the required approvals. If you drop below full-time without approval from ISSS, you are not maintaining your F-1 status and your SEVIS record may be terminated.

Undergraduate students and graduate students have a different process to request to be part-time student, so please review the process which is appropriate for you.

Undergraduate Part-Time Process

  • Undergraduate students will complete an online process to submit their request for part-time enrollment.

Graduate Part-Time Process

  • Graduate students need to complete the Graduate Student Request for Change of Status Form, found here:, and get this form signed by your Present Graduate Program Director and OGE before you submit this to ISSS.
  • ISSS cannot sign this form and submit it to the Registrar's Office for processing until the academic side has approved your request as noted on the form.

Please note that ISSS staff are not tax professionals, and ISSS is not able to provide you with any tax guidance or assistance. If you have any questions you must speak with a tax professional.

All international students are required to file some kind of tax paperwork each year you are in the U.S.. Filing tax paperwork does not always mean that you will owe money.

The tax year in the U.S. is based on the calendar year, so from January 1 through December 31 per year. Traditionally, tax paperwork is due in April to cover the previous calendar year. An example: Tax paperwork filed for the calendar year of January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 would be filed by April 2021.

Every year, you must file the Form 8843 whether or not you have earned any income. This tells the government how long you have been inside the U.S. and in what status (F, J, etc.). If you earned income, you also are required to file federal taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

We recommend that you keep copies of all forms you mail and send them using USPS Certified Mail so you have proof of when you sent them and the address where you sent them. DO NOT SUBMIT FORMS TO ISSS.

Need Help?

  • ISSS recommends you find a tax accountant who is proficient in immigration tax regulations. You will need to pay for assistance from any tax accountant or tax service.
  • For your convenience, ISSS has teamed up with Sprintax to provide you with easy-to-use tax preparation software designed for non-resident students and scholars. The company website is listed in the Resources section.


Unlawful Presence

Unlawful presence is a complex policy, and the best way to not have problems is to make sure you maintain your F-1 status and speak with ISSS if you have any concerns.

February 06, 2020 - A permanent nationwide injunction was issued blocking the August 2018 policy from USCIS.

From NAFSA Accrual of Unlawful Presence and F, J, and M Nonimmigration Resource: “On February 6, 2020, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina issued a permanent nationwide injunction blocking the August 8, 2018 USCIS policy memo that sought to change how days of unlawful presence are counted following a violation of F, M, or J nonimmigrant status.”

Previous Update from 2019

USCIS has revised their policy regarding unlawful presence, effective August 9, 2018.

Please see this link for additional information:



Travel Inside U.S.

Students travelling within the United States should still carry their immigration documents with them. This includes your passport, visa, and I-20. You may be asked for these documents to prove your status at any time by government or law enforcement officials. Puerto Rico is a United States territory and is considered a part of the U.S.

NOTE: Students with a pending change of non-immigrant status application or immigrant visa petition should only travel within the United States, as travel outside the United States has the effect of abandoning the application. You should also travel with a receipt notice of your pending application. We strongly advise consulting with an immigration attorney for travel in these situations.


  1. Do I need a travel signature for travel inside the U.S.?
    • Answer: No. You only need a valid travel signature to enter the U.S. If you do not depart the U.S., you do not need a travel signature.
  2. Where is the travel signature on my I-20?
    • Answer: On the I-20, it is on Page 2 in the 'Travel Endorsement' box.
Travel Outside U.S.

Before you go

Before you leave, make sure you have:

  • Passport valid 6 months into the future
  • Valid F-1 Visa
  • I-20 with valid travel signature signed by ISSS
    • See Page 2 in the Travel Endorsement section for the date of your last signature.
      • For currently enrolled students, signatures are valid for 12 months. For students on OPT or STEM OPT, signatures are valid for 6 months.
      • The signature must be valid upon the date of your re-entry to the U.S.
  • If on OPT/STEM OPT you must bring your original EAD card, and we recommend you also carry proof of resuming employment (e.g. contract, offer letter, etc.).

General Travel FAQs

  • What if I did not get a travel signature?
    • Review the ISSS Winter Break FAQs, found here:
    • Contact ISSS as soon as possible for guidance.
    • If your return date is less than three days away:
      • At the Port of Entry (POE), tell the CBP Officer that your forgot to get a signature and give them your I-20. ASK for the Form I-515A.
      • Your entry into the U.S. may be delayed. Make appropriate travel plans and give yourself time.
  • I received a Form I-515A at the Port of Entry. What do I do?
    • First, contact ISSS immediately. A Form I-515A must be resolved within 30 days of issuance and ISSS must provide you certain documentation to resolve it.
    • Study in the States has created a handout to help you understand the process to resolve a Form I-151A. See this link for more information:
  • Do I need a new visa?
    • If it will be valid for your return date to the U.S, no.
    • If it will not be valid, yes. Please see the next section on Visa for information on renewing your visa.
  • Where is the travel signature on my I-20?
    • On the I-20, it is on Page 2 in the 'Travel Endorsement' box.
  • How long is my travel signature valid?
    • For students with an I-20, the signature is valid for 1 year if they are enrolled at Rensselaer OR valid for 6 months if they are on Post-Completion OPT or STEM OPT. 

Travel to Canada

Travel to Other Countries

  • If you are visiting a country other than your own, you may need a visitor's visa to enter. Contact that country's embassy or consulate in the U.S., or search for their website.
  • If you are “transiting” into a country, meaning that your flight home requires an intermediate stop in a third country, find out if a transit visa is required, and if so, if it needs to be obtained in advance. For example, you may need a visa to transit Canada or the United Kingdom.

Renewing your F-1 Visa

Please see the next section on Visa for information on renewing your visa.


A F-1 visa is a sticker in your passport that is issued at a U.S. Consulate/Embassy. The purpose of the visa is for use in conjunction with the I-20 to enter the U.S. in F-1 status. 

NOTE: Citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require a F-1 visa sticker to enter the U.S. as students, therefore, you will not have a visa sticker. Instead, you will show your valid Form I-20 to seek entry to the U.S. in F-1 status.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What if my visa will expire soon or has expired?

  • A: You can remain in the U.S. with an expired visa. Your immigration status [which comes from your I-20] is what matters once you have entered the U.S. The expired visa only matters if you will be traveling outside the U.S. and need to return.

Q: What if my visa expires while I am inside the U.S.?

  • A: You can remain in the U.S. with an expired visa and maintain your immigration status.

Q: What is a good time to renew my visa?

  • A: It depends on a number of factors. It is best to schedule an advising appointment with ISSS to discuss what you should consider in the renewal process. Examples include, but are not limited to: are you an undergraduate or a graduate student; the amount of time you will have available for visa processing before you need to return for classes; if you have ever been placed under Administrative Processing.

Q: Can I renew my visa inside of the U.S.?

  • A: No. The Department of State does not permit visa renewals inside of the U.S..

Q: How do I renew my visa?

  • A: You will complete the same process you did during your first visa interview. More details about this process are available from the Department of State here: ISSS recommends that you plan to schedule your visa appointment in advance, after your travel plans are booked, since you have the information that you need on your I-20. This may help you in obtaining an earlier visa interview date.

Q: Can I renew my visa in a country other than my country of citizenship?

  • A: You must check with the U.S. Embassy/Consulate in the country where you wish to renew your visa to determine if that is possible. ISSS generally recommends you return to your country of citizenship, as it is typically easier for the U.S. Embassy/Consulate to complete their review and processing there versus a "third party" country which might not have the same access to information.

Renewing your F-1 Visa

  • ISSS recommends applying for a renewed visa in your home country, rather than another third party country. If your visa application is denied, you will have to return home before returning to the U.S..
  • Applying for a new visa can be a lengthy process, so make sure you allow sufficient time. The best time to renew a visa is during the annual summer academic break.
  • Plan accordingly and contact the U.S. Consulate/Embassy and schedule an appointment before you depart to ensure you have enough time to get your visa to return. To find a U.S. Consulate/Embassy, use this link:
  • To renew your visa, make sure you have the following documents:
    • Passport
    • I-20 (If anything needs to be updated on the I-20, contact ISSS at least two weeks before leaving to request an updated I-20.)
    • Transcript (Obtain this from the Registrar's Office)
    • Financial Documents (should match the finances listed on Page 1 of your I-20)
    • Rensselaer ID Card
    • Academic Documentation (this is especially important for graduate students or students with a sensitive area of study), including: letter from department, description of your research plan and current CV)
    • If you are on OPT/STEM OPT and want to renew your visa, please consult with ISSS first, as it is harder to renew your F-1 visa on OPT/STEM OPT.
  • The visa is an entry document, meaning you can remain in the United States on an expired visa stamp as long as your F-1 status is still valid. However, you will need a valid visa to re-enter the United States, unless Automatic Visa Revalidation applies.
  • To prepare for your visa interview, see this link for help:

Administrative Processing

  • Any individual applying for a visa, but especially individuals from certain countries or who are pursuing degrees in certain “sensitive areas of study,” may have to undergo a criminal background check and/or undergo administrative processing before obtaining a visa. This can be a very lengthy process and can delay your visa, so please allow time for processing if you believe you may be subject.

Technology Alert List and Sensitive Areas of Study

  • Graduate students who are considered to be majoring in "sensitive areas of study" as determined by the U.S. government may also be required to undergo administrative processing before a visa can be issued. There is a document called the "Technology Alert List" (TAL) that visa officers consult for this purpose. This link from RPI Export Control provides a copy of the TAL:
  • China, India, Israel, Pakistan and Russia have received special mention by the U.S. State Department in the context of this list because these countries are considered to possess nuclear capability that is of concern to U.S. national security.
  • Even if you are not a citizen of one of the countries listed above, your field of study (especially if you are a doctoral student majoring in the sciences, technology, computer science or engineering) might require your visa application to undergo an administrative processing REGARDLESS of the country you are from.
  • The State Department has announced that these clearances generally take as long as eight weeks for review. Once granted, the clearance will be valid for the duration of the student's study, to a maximum of four years, unless the field of study changes.
  • It is strongly recommended that if your field of study is "sensitive", you should obtain a letter from your faculty advisor that explains the nature of your studies and/or your research. The letter should also include your faculty advisor's address, e-mail and telephone number. The letter should be written using language that is easy to understand, and should not exceed the front side of one page. In addition, print a copy of your faculty advisor's official university webpage, containing information regarding his or her research, and attach the letter to it.
  • Be sure to include the following with your visa application:
    • A copy of your resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
    • A description of your research plan
    • A copy of your advisor’s University webpage, that describes his/her research interests
  • If you find that your visa application is delayed due a need for the consulate or embassy to send your file for administrative processing based on your field of study, please notify ISSS of the situation by email.

SEVIS Requirements

  • Visa officials are required to verify your record in the SEVIS system before a visa can be approved. This is also true for any dependents. There have been data transfer problems of some SEVIS records between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State that have resulted in lost information. If the visa official is unable to access your record in SEVIS and you have a SEVIS I-20, please contact ISSS by e-mail, phone or fax to alert us of the problem.
Entering the U.S.

What to Expect

The Federal Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), in conjunction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), will inspect all internationals entering the U.S. Expect close examination of your documents by these officials. Answer all questions politely and briefly. You are not required to provide them more information beyond the scope of the questions asked.

When first approaching the CBP Officer, have your passport, visa, and signed I-20 ready for inspection. You should not give any other supporting documents unless requested. We recommend having supporting documents on hand to provide only if requested, such as Rensselaer ID, financial documentation, or a letter from your department detailing your course of study if you are majoring in a sensitive area.

CBP officials are required to record your arrival data into SEVIS at the time you enter, and return your SEVIS I-20 to you, after they have stamped it. However, not all CBP officials will have access to SEVIS at their booths in the "primary lanes." Depending upon the Port of Entry, some students may be directed to a secondary inspection area or "student lanes" so that their data can be entered into SEVIS.

Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM)

The Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM) is an entry/exit record-keeping system for all non-immigrants traveling to and from the United States. In addition to the usual inspection procedure conducted by CBP officers when you enter the U.S., each non-immigrant will have their fingerprints taken by placing their index fingers on an inkless fingerprint scanner. A digital photograph will also be taken.

Cash Regulations

It is a federal law that anyone carrying more than $10,000 in a monetary instrument of any form must declare that money, or risk having it seized by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials.

Electronic Devices

Travelers should be aware that both CBP and ICE have the right to search any form of electronic media, which CBP and ICE define as any item that may contain information, including computers, floppy and compact disks, DVDs, drives, tapes, mobile phones, personal digital assistants or PDAs, BlackBerry smart phones, cameras, and music players (including iPods and MP3 players), without necessarily suspecting that the individual may be carrying unlawful information. If the computer or other electronic device is used by others, check the browser history and make sure that the contents will not cause problems if searched.

Form I-515A and Denied Admissions

If you are missing documents, or if your I-20 does not have a valid travel signature, the border official may issue you a Form I-515A. This allows you temporary entrance into the United States. You will have 30 days to submit the documents requested on the Form I-515A to federal authorities. If you receive a Form I-515A, please contact the ISSS Office immediately.

Anyone who is denied admission at the port of entry should be cautious. Arguing with the customs official is at your own risk and may result in a “expedited removal” which will result in five-year bar on admission to the U.S.. If you are denied admission, first contact the ISSS Office for assistance, but also let the immigration official know that you are willing to withdraw your application for admission to the country rather than be subject to expedited removal if you so choose.

Baggage and Airport Security

Please consult the TSA’s website here:

Any passenger’s baggage may be selected for screening for the Federal Transportation and Security Administration (TSA). This means that they are authorized to open your baggage by any means necessary, even if it is locked, for inspection. If your bag was inspected, there will be a note inside. You should familiarize yourself with what is and isn’t allowed in your baggage, especially your carry-on, before traveling.


Employment in the U.S.

Working On-Campus

Work authorization for on-campus employment is a benefit of maintaining your F-1 status. You are eligible to start on-campus employment in your first semester at RPI.

You are able to work for 20 hours or less per week during the semester per federal regulations. You are able to work for more than 20 hours during the summer.

You cannot work after the Program End Date on your I-20. You are responsible for making sure that you update Glacier (Payroll system) in your final semester with your Program End Date to ensure that Payroll is informed of the last day you can be employed as a student at RPI.

Assistantships (RA/TA)

  • Research assistantships or teaching assistantships are awarded to you by your academic department. ISSS is not involved in this process. Your assistantship should be reflected on your I-20 in the Financial section. If it is not, please request a new I-20 from ISSS to update the finances.
  • New students: You can begin working in your position as a RA/TA as of the first day of classes in your first semester. You do not need authorization from ISSS to begin employment. You must apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) if you do not already have one. Please see the SSN section for details on how to apply.

Other On-Campus Employment

  • RPI offers on-campus employment that is not through a RA/TA position. To see the Student Employment website, click here.
    • Under "Job Postings and Research and Teaching Assistantships", click the link for Handshake.
  • New students: You can begin working in your on-campus position as of the first day of classes in your first semester. You do not need authorization from ISSS to begin employment.
  • You must apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) if you do not already have one. Please see the SSN section for details on how to apply.
Social Security Number (SSN)

International students are eligible to apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) only if they have employment or work authorization (via EAD card from USCIS or CPT from ISSS). If you do not meet these criteria, you are not eligible to apply for a SSN.

The process to apply for a SSN is different depending on the type of employment you have: RA/TA, other on-campus employment, CPT, or OPT. Please see the appropriate sub-section that applies to you.

Note that for ALL first semester students, you must complete ISSS Electronic Check-In before we can complete your registration in SEVIS and write your SSN application letter, which is required to apply for a SSN. ISSS will complete your SEVIS registration by the 4th week of semester. In order to expedite processing, please do not contact ISSS prior to the 4th week of the semester.

  • If you are an RA/TA
    1. Submit a copy of your RA/TA award letter to ISSS in the Social Security Number (SSN) Letter Request online:
    2. Create/update your Glacier account with Payroll, then schedule an appointment to submit your documentation to Payroll.
    3. ISSS will send you an email when the SSN application letter is issued, and provide guidance on the next steps.
  • If you hold Other On-Campus Employment
    1. Complete the Social Security Number (SSN) Letter Request online:
      • In the request, y​​​​​​ou will be provided a form that your supervisor must complete.
    2. Create/update your Glacier account with Payroll, then schedule an appointment to submit your documentation to Payroll.
    3. ISSS will send you an email when the SSN application letter is issued, and provide guidance on the next steps.
  • If you are on CPT
    1. First apply for CPT through ISSS. After you have received your new I-20 with the work authorization, then gather your new I-20 and CPT letter from your employer, and see this link for the next steps to apply for your SSN:
    2. You do not need a letter from ISSS to apply for your SSN, as the I-20 states we have issued you work authorization.
    • ** Note that you must apply for your SSN during the period of time when you have work authorization. You will be denied if you apply outside of the time period listed on your I-20.
  • If you are on OPT
    1. First apply for OPT through ISSS. After you have received your EAD Card from USCIS with proof of your work authorization, then take your new EAD card and see this link for the next steps to apply for your SSN:
    2. You do not need a letter from ISSS to apply for your SSN, as the EAD card states USCIS has issued you work authorization.
    • ** Note that you must apply for your SSN during the period of time when you have work authorization. You will be denied if you apply outside of the time period listed on your EAD card.

What is my SSN commonly used for?

  • Your SSN is commonly used when you file tax documents, start employment, open a bank account, open a credit card, open a cell phone account and apply for an apartment. You should not be asked for your SSN over the phone, and if you are, that is a sign that it might be a scam.
  • Do not provide it over the phone or email to anyone!

What if someone asks me for my SSN?

  • Your SSN is a unique number and it is something you must keep safe. It is what identifies you in many different government systems, and it is important to report if there is any fraud with your SSN. Your employer will always ask you for your SSN, and this is normal to provide it to them by showing your card in person to Human Resources.
  • For security reasons, you should never provide your SSN over the phone or via email.

What if I already have a SSN?

  • You only get one SSN. The number will never change. If you have a SSN, you do not need to apply for a new one.
Social Security Denial Letter

Students are often asked to obtain a SSN for opening a bank account or renting an apartment. If you do not have employment, you cannot get a SSN. So what can you do instead?

If you do not qualify for a Social Security Number, you should complete the Form SS-5 ( and submit this to the Social Security Administration (SSA) along with photocopies of your passport and visa. You can submit your documents by mailing them to 500 Federal Street, Troy, NY 12180, or faxed to 833-926-1868. The SSA does not need to see you in-person for a denial letter, they will mail your denial letter directly to you. This letter can often be used in lieu of obtaining a SSN because you are not eligible to get one.

Working Off-Campus

Work authorization for off-campus employment is a benefit of maintaining your F-1 status. You are eligible to request off-campus employment that can start after you have completed one full academic year. Working without proper authorization will negatively impact your F-1 status.

Work authorization can only be issued for employment that is related to your major(s) at RPI.

Work can be paid, unpaid, or "volunteer" work. Work may be called "volunteering" by an employer, but is really unpaid work.

Actual volunteering is considered altruistic. Examples of this include feeding the homeless at a soup kitchen or walking the dogs at an animal shelter. If you have questions about what is volunteering, please schedule an appointment to meet with ISSS:

Off-campus employment requires work authorization before you begin working. There are two types of work authorization:

  1. Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
  2. Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Most students at Rensselaer use CPT for work authorization while they are a student, and then use OPT for work authorization to work after graduation.

To learn more about each type of work authorization, expand the sections below on CPT and OPT.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) for Graduate Students

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) offers F-1 students an opportunity for off-campus work experience where the employment is an integral part of the student's degree program. This means work must be related to the degree at RPI.

All off-campus employment (paid, unpaid, or "volunteer") requires students to obtain Curricular Practical Training (CPT) authorization from ISSS before they start. CPT is issued by ISSS.

Types of CPT

  • There are two types of CPT: part-time CPT and full-time CPT.
    • Part-time CPT occurs when you work for 20 hours or less per week. Part-time CPT does not have any impact on your ability to get Optional Practical Training (OPT).
    • Full-time CPT occurs when you work for more than 20 hours per week. Full-time CPT may impact your ability to get OPT. If you use 365 days of full-time CPT, you will lose the ability to get OPT. If you use 364 days or less of full-time CPT, you should be eligible to obtain OPT.

Am I eligible to apply for CPT?

  • To be eligible for CPT, you must have been enrolled full-time for one full academic year in a status that permits work (usually F-1).
    • This means a fall and a spring semester or a spring and a fall semester must be completed before the CPT can start.
    • You can apply for CPT before the end of the second semester of the full academic year, but it cannot start until that semester is finished.
  • You must be enrolled in a class for academic credit during the semester you intend to use CPT. For more details on this, see the next question.

How do I apply for CPT?

There are two ways you can get CPT at RPI: Co-op or Alternate CPT Approval. See each section below for details. ISSS recommends you work with CCPD to check if you are eligible for Co-op, as that is the preferred option for CPT.

To see a visual overview of the differences between these two processes, click this link:

  • RPI Co-op
    • RPI has a Cooperative Education Program managed by the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) called Co-op. Students can opt to participate in the Co-op program to obtain CPT authorization from ISSS.
    • Co-op has specific requirements set by CCPD, so plan at least 2 months in advance of when you wish to start working and connect with CCPD to learn more about the Co-op requirements.
    • co-op is the quickest and easiest way to get Curricular Practical Training (CPT) work authorization.
    • Co-op requires four approvals: CCPD, your academic advisor, Graduate Program Director, and ISSS. You obtain these approvals by getting signatures on the Graduate Co-op Work Plan document provided to you by CCPD after you meet with them to determine your Co-op eligibility.
    • After you are approved for Co-op by all other offices, then you must submit your paperwork to ISSS to request CPT (and ISSS Co-op approval).
    • There is an online request for students to submit the co-op paperwork they receive from CCPD, available here:
  • Alternate CPT Approval
    • Students may be permitted to participate in CPT with departmental approval and OGE approval through a process called Alternate CPT Approval.
    • There is an online request for students to request Alternate CPT Approval, available here:
    • The Alternate CPT Approval process in fall and spring requires four documents:
      • A form signed by your Academic Advisor and OGE (form available inside the online request)
      • Proof of registration in an internship course (many departments do not have an existing course, so you need to work with them to determine if there is a course or if an Independent Study will work). You cannot use a course being taken for a different purpose, such as Dissertation, to fulfill this requirement.
      • Copy of course syllabus
      • Offer letter from employer with specific information (details available inside the online request)
    • The Alternate CPT Approval process in summer requires two documents:
      • A form signed by your Academic Advisor and OGE (form available inside the online request)
      • Offer letter from employer with specific information (details available inside the online request)
      • OGE enrolls you in 1 credit summer ADMN course and you are responsible for paying tuition and fees for this one credit course You will be added to LMS where you can view syllabus and required deliverables. This is a graded S/U course and you must submit the work.

How long does it take to get CPT?

  • The documentation processes for Co-op or Alternate CPT Approval can take anywhere from four to eight weeks.
  • It takes ISSS at least 5 business days to process the documents after you submit them to our office. Plan in advance and get your documentation in to the appropriate offices!
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) for Undergraduate Students

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) offers F-1 students an opportunity for off-campus work experience where the employment is an integral part of the student's degree program. This means work must be related to the degree at RPI.

All off-campus employment (paid, unpaid, or "volunteer") requires students to obtain Curricular Practical Training (CPT) authorization from ISSS before they start. CPT is issued by ISSS.

Types of CPT

  • There are two types of CPT: part-time CPT and full-time CPT.
    • Part-time CPT occurs when you work for 20 hours or less per week. Part-time CPT does not have any impact on your ability to get Optional Practical Training (OPT).
    • Full-time CPT occurs when you work for more than 20 hours per week. Full-time CPT may impact your ability to get OPT. If you use 365 days of full-time CPT, you will lose the ability to get OPT. If you use 364 days or less of full-time CPT, you should be eligible to obtain OPT.

Am I eligible to apply for CPT?

  • To be eligible for CPT, you must have been enrolled full-time for one full academic year in a status that permits work (usually F-1).
    • This means a fall and a spring semester or a spring and a fall semester must be completed before the CPT can start.
    • You can apply for CPT before the end of the second semester of the full academic year, but it cannot start until that semester is finished.
  • You must be enrolled in a class for academic credit during the semester you intend to use CPT. For more details on this, see the next question.

How do I apply for CPT?

There are three ways you can get CPT at RPI: Co-op, Alternate CPT Approval, or Arch Semester Away CPT. See each section below for details. ISSS recommends you work with CCPD to check if you are eligible for Co-op, as that is the preferred option for CPT unless you are in your Semester Away.

To see a visual overview of the differences between these two processes, click this link:

  • RPI Co-op
    • RPI has a Cooperative Education Program managed by the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) called Co-op. Students can opt to participate in the Co-op program to obtain CPT authorization from ISSS.
    • Co-op has specific requirements set by CCPD, so plan at least 2 months in advance of when you wish to start working and connect with CCPD to learn more about the Co-op requirements.
    • co-op is the quickest and easiest way to get Curricular Practical Training (CPT) work authorization.
    • Co-op requires three approvals: CCPD, your academic advisor, and ISSS. You obtain these approvals by getting signatures on the Undergraduate Co-op Work Plan document provided to you by CCPD after you meet with them to determine your Co-op eligibility.
    • After you are approved for Co-op by all other offices, then you must submit your paperwork to ISSS to request CPT (and ISSS Co-op approval).
    • There is an online request for students to submit the co-op paperwork they receive from CCPD, available here:
    • DO NOT use this option if you are doing a position to fulfill your Arch Semester Away requirement. Instead, see the section “Arch Semester Away CPT”.
  • Alternate CPT Approval
    • Students may be permitted to participate in CPT with departmental approval through a process called Alternate CPT Approval.
    • There is an online request for students to request Alternate CPT Approval, available here:
    • The Alternate CPT Approval process requires four documents:
      • A form signed by your Academic Advisor (form available inside the online request)
      • Proof of registration in an internship course (many departments do not have an existing course, so you need to work with them to determine if there is a course or if an Independent Study will work). You cannot use a course being taken for a different purpose, such as a free elective, to fulfill this requirement.
      • Copy of course syllabus
      • Offer letter from employer with specific information (details available inside the online request)
    • DO NOT use this option if you are doing a position to fulfill your Arch Semester Away requirement. Instead, see the section “Arch Semester Away CPT”.
  • Arch Semester Away CPT
    • Students must complete a Semester Away to graduate from RPI. To learn about the options available to you during the Semester Away, click here:
    • Four of the options during the Semester Away may require Curricular Practical Training (CPT) work authorization before starting a position: Civic Engagement, Co-op/Internship, Research*, and Self-Design.
    • CPT is required if a student is physically inside of the U.S. OR if they are outside of the U.S. working remotely for a U.S. company. All work must be directly related to the student’s major at RPI.
    • To learn about the steps to get CPT for each experience, click the link then expand the appropriate section:  
    • *For Research positions, if you are performing research at RPI, CPT is not required because this falls under on-campus employment.

How long does it take to get CPT?

  • The documentation processes for Co-op, Alternate CPT Approval, and Arch Semester Away CPT can take anywhere from four weeks to eight weeks.
  • It takes ISSS at least 5 business days to process the documents after you submit them to our office. Plan in advance and get your documentation in to the appropriate offices!
Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Students in their final semester are eligible to apply for OPT to work after graduation. For an overview, see this infographic:

Have questions about OPT? View our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document:

Follow these steps:

  1. Complete the OPT Workshop to learn about OPT requirements:
    • This workshop is mandatory, and must be completed for you to apply for OPT.
  2. Submit completed OPT application to ISSS:
    • Allow 5 business days for processing and review of the OPT application
    • After the application is processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to get the new I-20.
  3. After you receive the new I-20 with the OPT recommendation, you will apply for OPT with USCIS.


Pre-Completion OPT is a work authorization option available to students before graduation. For more information on this option, please meet with an ISSS advisor.


The STEM OPT Extension is a 24-month work authorization for students who completed a STEM degree. TYou must first be in an approved period of Post-Completion OPT before you are eligible to apply for STEM OPT.

For more information, see the Alumni page in the Employment section - Applying for STEM OPT.


Leaving Rensselaer

Leaving During Program

If you are not attending classes, you are not maintaining your status. This means you are required to depart the United States, except in specific situations. If you have been put on probation, suspended, intend to take a leave of absence (LOA) or intend to withdraw - these all require you to work with ISSS to determine the options and timeline available to you.

If you are leaving Rensselaer during your program, you must contact ISSS first before submitting a Leave of Absence (LOA) request. Students often call a LOA a "gap year" or "gap semester". There are federal regulations that impact how long you can remain here, what are the options you have, and ISSS is the only office who can advise you on this.

In most cases for international students, you must also leave the country within a very short period of time. This will be discussed in greater detail when you meet with ISSS staff.


Please note: This information is intended for students who are transferring out of RPI. If you are a recently admitted student transferring in, please contact the Admissions Office.

All F-1 students who intend on continuing study at a new school in the U.S. need to transfer their SEVIS record from RPI to the new school. This includes students currently on OPT.

  • If you are a current student who is not completing your program of study, you must formally withdraw from Rensselaer.
  • If you are a current student who is graduating, you must transfer your record within 60 days of your Program End Date as listed on your I-20.
  • If you are on Post-Completion OPT or STEM OPT, you must transfer your record within 60 days of your Post-Completion OPT or STEM OPT End Date on your EAD Card.

Transfer Process

To request a SEVIS transfer, complete the ISSS Transfer Request:

  • How to access the Transfer Request Application
    1. Follow the link and click the red Apply Now box
      • Click OK when the pop-up box appears asking you if you want to create an application
    2. Login based on your current status at RPI
      • If you have graduated, chose “Log in for alumna/e and staff”, hit Submit, then log in with your personal email provided to ISSS on your OPT application
        • If you did not set up your account with Terra Dotta based on a previous message from ISSS, you must click the log in button, then click the link for “Forgot your password” to set up your account
    3. After you log in, choose the Request for the year you are accessing the content
      • Example: If you submit your application in 2021, choose “Request, 2021”
      • Example: If you submit your application in 2022, choose “Request, 2022”
      • Not all options will be available at all times
  • Allow 10 business days for processing and review of the transfer out request